Sugar Cravings During Pregnancy

5 tips to manage sugar cravings during pregnancy

Cravings…ah yes pregnancy can trigger many different food cravings and aversions. I remember when I was pregnant with my son having a strong craving for a burger and fries during the first trimester. I still remember that burger to this day, and think it was one of the best I ever had (it wasn’t anything special, but it tasted incredible!). 

Sugar is a common craving especially during the first trimester. Trying to use your super strong willpower to avoid the sugary snacks and treats usually doesn’t work. However, you need to be mindful of sugar intake during pregnancy since too much sugar is linked to adverse outcomes like gaining too much weight during pregnancy, a large for gestational age baby, abnormal blood glucose levels, and potentially developing gestational diabetes.

Added sugars are those that do not naturally occur in the food or product. For example, vanilla yogurt contains cane sugar which is an added sugar, and lactose, which is considered naturally occurring in the yogurt. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults limit added sugar to no more than 10% of your calories per day. While the American Heart Association recommends adult women limit added sugar intake to no more than 25 grams (6 teaspoons) per day.

Indulging in an occasional treat should not negatively impact your pregnancy, but if you feel like it’s getting out of hand, here are 5 tips to help manage sugar cravings during pregnancy.

1) Make or Buy Alternatives

Thankfully, it’s become more mainstream to find alternative products that use less sugar, or better options like coconut sugar or stevia. If you’re a baker or open to trying, then you can make your own less sweet versions of desserts. For example, in my eBook “My Fruitful Pregnancy,” there’s an amazing recipe for chocolate avocado pie that uses a little honey or maple syrup to sweeten this decadent pie. You can try using mashed fruit as a natural way to sweeten recipes. Sometimes your body just wants a taste of something sweet - in that case, have a scoop of creamy nut butter, a bowl of frozen fruit, or some yogurt topped with granola. If an alternative is not working for you in the moment, skip to tip 5 :) 

2) Eat Your Breakfast!

It sounds super cliché, but breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. Try your best, especially during the first trimester, to eat breakfast every day. Skipping meals may lead to a drop in blood sugar levels which causes those sugar cravings. Eating 3 meals and a few snacks throughout the day ensures that you maintain your blood sugar levels, or you can try 5-6 mini meals to keep your hunger levels stable and kick those cravings. Need some breakfast ideas? Here are 10 quick and easy breakfast recipes. 

3) Stay Hydrated

Did you know that your fluid needs increase significantly during pregnancy? If you’re dehydrated, you may feel fatigued, weak, low energy, and have cravings. Fluids will help you feeling energized - and when you stay hydrated and eat your protein (see next tip), you’ll lessen the sugar cravings. You can read more here for tips on how to stay hydrated.

4) Eat Your Protein

I totally understand if you’re in the first trimester and having serious food aversions to meat, but try getting in some plant-based protein. Protein keeps you fuller longer and does not increase your blood sugar levels. Chasing some of those carb heavy snacks and treats with some protein will help to stabilize your blood sugar levels, which is super important during pregnancy. I recommend keeping some dry roasted nuts and seeds on a nightstand and when you wake, have a handful. Are you turned off by the smell of meat? Have someone else prepare the meat so you don’t have to be in the kitchen with all the smells. Do you best to consume as much protein as possible during pregnancy, if you’re not consuming enough protein, your blood sugar will rise causing those sugar cravings faster.

5) Have The Food You Are Craving

When you’ve tried everything to avoid sugar but still find yourself REALLY craving the food - allow yourself to have whatever it is and move on. Make sure you do so mindfully, no distractions, and take a single serving and savor it. Eat slowly, enjoying every bite. Sometimes we play this game where we try to have an alternative, but end up giving in and having the craving food anyway. You’ll avoid over-indulging when you recognize what you really want to eat, and have it. You might even discover what you were craving isn’t all that great and not finish it. 

How Do You Control Sugar Cravings During Pregnancy?

Sugar cravings happen and it’s not expected that you completely avoid sugar. Learning how to eat a nourishing and balanced diet will help you have more moderation with sweets during pregnancy. Remember…you’re not alone! 

You should not feel guilty about indulging every now and then…you are growing a baby after all! Try the 5 tips outlined here when you feel a sugar craving. Looking for more guidance and how to take the guesswork out of what to eat during pregnancy? Click here to order your copy of “My Fruitful Pregnancy: A Complete & Easy Guide to Pregnancy Nutrition.”

If you need help and want to talk with me, please feel free to book a free discovery call with me today.

Angela Houlie, MS, RDN, CDN, LDN

Angela Houlie, MS, RDN, CDN, LDN is a NYC based dietitian and founder of My Fruitful Body Nutrition.

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