Is Obesity an Epidemic in America?

Have you ever wondered why the obesity rate in America is so high and how to stop it from growing further? You’re not the only one, and we can help stop the obesity crisis.

So, why are so many Americans overweight or obese? No one knows exactly why, but there are two major contributors to the obesity epidemic: eating too much and not exercising enough. 

In fact, people ate a whopping 20% more calories in the year 2000 than they did in the 1980s. Also, many Americans confuse diet with nutrition and choose their meals depending on convenience. A top reason for this is that people spend more time at work now than they did years ago, so they do not have enough time to prepare a healthy meal and instead grab fast food. 

Another way in which people confuse diet with nutrition is that they grab snacks that are marketed as “low-fat” which they think are healthy, but in reality, are loaded with sugar and hydrogenated oils. 

Jobs nowadays tend to be much less physically demanding, and Americans burn a lot fewer calories today than they did fifty years ago. Around 80 percent of Americans do not get enough exercise.

How can we help stop the American obesity epidemic? We can advise children to drink more water daily, get more exercise, and eat healthier meals at home. 

Sounds simple enough, right? NOT! Many children live in food deserts, are left alone for prolonged periods while both parents work, or come from food-insecure homes. 

Simple things that parents are caregivers can try at minimal to no cost are:

Eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages at home and stick to water. 

To motivate children to drink more water, I would recommend turning it into a game or using a fun water bottle and rewarding them with something they enjoy if they finish the bottle. Make it a fun competition where everyone tracks their water intake and the winner gets bragging rights.

Cut back on screen time and get outside.

Technology is great, and something important our children learn to use, however, it’s becoming almost a hindrance to children getting into physical activity and learning social-emotional skills. If you’re a working parent, see if there are any free after-school activities your kids can join to be active. Set up a neighborhood play group where parents rotate taking kids to the park or playground for 30 minutes after school, or work it around your busy work schedule. Take time to go on a walk and look at the sights and sounds, go for a bike ride, or play a sport together., 

Be a good role model.

Parents and caregivers are the catalysts for change in their children. Children look to you for guidance and form their eating habits from you! This is a great way to prioritize your health and make more sustainable lifestyle choices. Eat more family meals at home together when possible or at least try to get in the kitchen with your kids and cook some meals together to eat for the week. 

Katerina LoPresti

Hi, my name is Katerina LoPresti and I’m a community health major and nutrition science minor at Hofstra University. I became interested in nutrition when I took a course about cooking healthy meals in my junior year of high school.


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