From Boring to Brilliant: How to Find Meal Planning Inspiration and Make Cooking Fun Again

From Boring to Brilliant: How to Find Meal Planning Inspiration and Make Cooking Fun Again

Are you tired of eating the same old meals every week or having no plan at all and going for convenience foods? Want to spice up your meal planning routine and try new, exciting dishes? Look no further than cookbooks, food blogs, and social media for your inspiration!

From Italian to Mexican to Asian cuisine, there are countless recipes that cater to different tastes and styles of cooking. You can discover new flavors, ingredients, and techniques that will make your meals more interesting and delicious.

But it's not just about the recipes – cookbooks and food blogs offer a fun and engaging way to learn about food and cooking. You can read personal stories from the authors and chefs, learn about the history and cultural significance of different dishes, and even pick up tips and tricks for meal planning and preparation.

Plus, social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest make it easy to connect with food bloggers, chefs, and other foodies who share their favorite recipes and meal planning ideas. You can get real-time inspiration and feedback from a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about food and cooking.

And don't forget – cooking should be fun and simple! 

As a busy, full-time working mom, mealtime can be a hassle. That's why I strive to keep my weeknights as simple and stress-free as possible. And the secret to making that happen? A little recipe inspiration! By utilizing downtime to search for recipes and start compiling a list, I'm able to quickly and easily plan out my meals for the week, without any added stress or fuss.

So why not make meal planning more fun and exciting? Start exploring today and let your taste buds guide you on a delicious culinary journey.


  • Look for recipes with minimal ingredients. Use search terms such as "5 ingredient meals" or "minimal ingredient recipes."

  • Look for recipes that require minimal prep and cook time i.e. 30 minutes or less

  • Look for recipes that can be cooked in one pot or in the oven. This will save you time on prep and clean up.

  • Look for recipes that utilize your slow cooker or Instant Pot. These appliances can save you time and energy when it comes to meal prepping.

Stay tuned for next weeks post where we dive into the question of, “what does my feel like?”

Angela Houlie, MS, RDN, CDN, LDN

Angela Houlie, MS, RDN, CDN, LDN is a NYC based dietitian and founder of My Fruitful Body Nutrition.

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