My Fruitful Body Nutrition

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The Perfectly Imperfect Parent

Did you know that I have two jobs? Well - 3 if you consider being a parent a job!

Since completing my undergrad degree a number of years ago, I have worked in project management. To this day, I am still a supporting member within the project management field working full time just up until recently.

In 2021, I officially formed my nutrition business and started taking clients in a part-time capacity. To say my schedule got full is an understatement! Working a typical 8-hour day shift in project management, then working until 9 pm some nights seeing nutrition clients, plus being a mom to my now 3-year-old…yikes!

I began struggling with mom guilt and that I am not fully present in my life and those who I care the most about.

I realized that I won’t be able to do things perfectly anymore. Something had to give for me to manage it all - and not just manage it, but do it well!

That meant that if the sink fills up with dirty dishes, laundry piles up, and the bathtub hasn’t been cleaned in a while, that’s ok. It also means that not every lunch and dinner is going to be a perfectly curated Instagram-worthy photo opportunity, but rather a box of mac and cheese, a quick omelet, or leftovers some days.

Relationships are the most precious thing in the world to me. Think about it. You could be a billionaire - but without meaningful relationships…life is pretty sad.

I’m also a pretty type A person, I like things to be organized and have a routine, but this year I really had to let go of the perfectionism and prioritize what matters most to me. As a busy parent, this is the only way for me to truly enjoy life and have quality time - where an hour feels like half a day because I am so fully present and enjoying the time.

All this to say - let go of perfectionism, parents! I’m sure you are just as busy as I am or feeling the pressure to put out perfect meals for your kids - but let go of that pressure. All your kids really want is for you to be in the moment with them - laughing and enjoying life.

So, if some nights the meals are more nutritious than others, that’s ok! But if every night involves quality time and laughter then in my book - you’re doing a great job parents!

Are you ready to embrace the perfectly imperfect life with me? Click here to book a free consultation with me today!